Premium Digital Marketing Course
Your investment in Knowledge

Premium Digital Marketing Specialist Program
100% Job Assistance

Be a part of our premium digital marketing learning program in India. Learn core digital marketing concepts by industry experts with exclusive benefits a course could offer like never before. Make a career that starts even before you complete your course.



6 Months

Fulltime Program

50 Hours

Case Study

400 Hours


700 Hours

Agency Projects

12+ Global


Understanding the course

Pay Fees in EMI After Placements

  • First Full Time Digital Marketing Program in India 
  • Mon-Fri 9: 30 AM to 6: 30 PM 
  • 100% Guaranteed Job in the Same Company
  • Enroll & Get Job Offer Letter 
  • 75 Modules on Digital Marketing 
  • 25 Content Writing Modules 
  • 15 Designing Modules 
  • 10 Managerial Skills Modules 
  • 10 Soft skills Modules 
  • 50+ Digital Marketing Tools 
  • 25+ Case Studies 
  • 25+ Live Projects 
  • 25000+ Paid Campaigns 
  • 2 Digital Marketing Client Meet 
  • 5 Digital Marketing Strategy & Planning 
  • Final Assessment & Graduation Day
Brandlution Academy – The highlights

Yes, we are Exceptional!

It’s not how you learn, It’s about how well you learn @ Brandlution Academy.

6 months Course 01

6 Months Course

6 months Course

The PDMSP is a 6 months full-time course that takes you through the best time of your learning period in Digital Marketing
offer letter

A Pre-Signed Offer Letter

A Pre-Signed Offer Letter

Grab the opportunity of signing a conditional offer letter on the day of enrollment. Get qualified and work with Brandlution Agency.
study material 01

Free Access to Study Material

Free Access to Study Material

Get 6 months of free access to the curriculum, which was created by industry experts with the ever-changing marketplace in mind.
free workshop 01

Free Workshops

Free Workshops

Attend free Digital Marketing Workshops key digital marketing strategies and tactics that will help you kickstart your online career or company.
industry visit 01

Educational Industry Visits

Educational Industry Visits

Take business tours to gain accurate knowledge of industry operations in your respective fields of digital marketing specialization.
Clarification 01

One-on-One Doubt Clarifications

One-on-One Doubt Clarifications

Throughout the course and thereafter, feel free to contact your mentors directly with any questions or clarifications.

Our Modules

  1. What Is Digital Marketing
  2. Why Digital Marketing Is A Crucial Part Of Any Business Strategy Now
  3. Digital Marketing: Marketing Funnel
  4. What Digital Marketing consist of
  5. Digital Marketing Trends in 2020
  6. Future & Growth of Digital Marketing
  1. Build a functional, responsive website with WordPress
  2. How to Install WordPress
  3. Understand plugins & themes and how to find/install them
  4. How to create page in WordPress
  5. Gutenberg Editor: How to Navigate around the WordPress dashboard
  6. User Management : Define roles of WordPress user
  7. Protect their WordPress website from hackers and spammers
  8. Website Maintenance
  1. What is Search Engine and How does it works?
  2. Why keywords are important for website?
  3. Essential tools to explore before shortlisting Keywords
  4. Cutting-edge SEO tactics that are actually ranking websites.
  5. Brand SERP Optimization at Ground Zero
  6. Technical SEO – Audit and Fix Your Website for Success
  7. Learn to setup, analyze and prepare reports from webmaster
  8. SEO Off page: Build Trust to rank on SERP & drive Organic Traffic
  9. Learn, implement & adopt quick updating search engine algorithm
  10. Follow the laws to rank & learn the facts to safeguard your ranking
  11. Global Marketing is driving more business. Learn to bring local customers to website
  12. Learn to rank and drive traffic for global brands
  13. Millions of products can rank on SERP. Learn the tricks of E-Commerce SEO
  14. Website Audit: Audit and optimize to beat the competition
  1. Create effective ads for your business & career to grow using Google Ads
  2. Going Beyond the Basics with PPC Keyword Research
  3. How to Choose Effective Google Ads Bidding Strategies
  4. Understand Google Ad Extensions and its benefits
  5. How Does the Google Ads Auction Work?
  6. How to structure Adgroup like a pro : Account Structure
  7. Learn setting up a strategic search campaign
  8. Get the scoop on targeting options.
  9. Strategies for targeting top of funnel keywords
  10. How to write killer Adcopies for a brand
  11. Building A Profitable Google Ads Display Campaign
  12. What are the best targeting method for Google Display Network?
  13. Learn the best practices concerning Google Display Network
  14. How to create an effective Video Campaign
  15. How do you measure the success of an online video?
  16. What are the best paid methods of making a video go viral?
  17. Learn how to create, manage and optimize Google app Ads
  18. Setup an effective Google shopping campaign
  19. What is a Google Merchant account?
  20. Improve Ad Performance with Google Shopping Data Feed Optimization
  21. What are the benefits of smart shopping campaigns on Google?
  22. Learn how to create, manage and optimize Dynamic Google Ads
  23. What is Remarketing in Google Ads
  24. Segmenting your audience for accurate results
  25. Create a Powerful Google Ads Remarketing Campaign Strategy
  26. Why It’s Essential for Any Marketing Funnel?
  27. What is conversion tracking,
  28. How do I set up conversion tracking?
  29. Different ways to track conversions
  30. Determine a bid strategy based on your goals
  31. Tools you need to know to run a successful ad campaign
  32. How to read google ad reports
  33. Most Important Google Ads Metrics To Remember
  34. Creating sample reports for client
  35. Learn to optimize google Ad campaign
  36. Learn to Optimize your campaign for online sales
  37. How to Create Highly-Converting Ads ?
  38. Optimize Your Landing Pages To Rank Online
  1. What Is Bing Ads
  2. The Great Advantages to Bing Ads
  3. Use Bing ads To Get Clicks lesser then Google
  4. Build Keyword Lists
  5. Write Ads Like A Pro Using Simple Trick
  6. Learn how to get targeted traffic on Bing network
  7. What Common Mistakes to Avoid
  8. Learn What Has Proven worked
  1. The Complete Facebook Masterclass
  2. How to Create a Facebook Business Page?
  3. How to Create a Engaging Facebook Posts for business?
  4. Facebook tools to make your life easier?
  5. How to use Page Insights to Analyze your Facebook business?
  6. How to Use Facebook Ads Manager?
  7. Explore how to set up a Facebook Business Manager
  8. How to Set Up an Effective Facebook Ad Campaign?
  9. How to create a Core Audience in Ads Manager?
  10. How to Perfect Your Facebook Ads Placement Strategy
  11. Utilize your Facebook ad budget in right way
  12. How to save facebook budget by right scheduling
  13. Facebook Ad Optimization strategy for massive success
  14. Selection of right facebook ad format is key to success
  15. Acquaint with best retargeting strategies.
  16. How to setup standard and custom conversions
  17. Reason your facebook ads do not convert
  18. Learn to analyze increase of facebook ad cost
  19. How to create an effective Facebook report for clients
  1. Introduction to Instagram
  2. Create a Noticeable Instagram page
  3. How to Create an Instagram Content Plan
  4. Design and strategies Eye-Catching Stories
  5. Grow Instagram with Perfect caption with right hashtag
  6. Use of cool video edits to new-age filters
  7. Create trending reels for your business
  8. Sell Your Product or Service Almost Instantly Anytime
  9. Generates Lifetime Profits with Instagram Account
  10. Craft an Instagram strategy, optimize and repeat
  11. Influencer Marketing an impactful strategy.
  1. Introduction to Twitter
  2. Anatomy of Twitter
  3. Hands on: Set Up a New Account
  4. Engaging People on Twitter with @Mentions and Hashtags
  5. Hashtags in Practice
  6. Direct Messages
  7. Finding Twitter Users
  8. Discover Hashtags
  9. Link Shorteners
  10. Twitter Search (Advanced Search)
  11. What to Tweet About
  12. When to Tweet
  13. Most Retweeted Words (Getting Retweeted)
  14. Brand vs. Personal Account
  15. Personal vs Professional Tweets
  16. Install a Tweet Button (Tweet Button)
  17. Install a Follow Button (Follow Button)
  18. Install a Faves Widget (Faves Widget)
  19. Twitter for Business
  1. Introduction to Linkedin
  2. Create a winning profile
  3. Put a face to your name (Branding cover picture and profile picture)
  4. Create a punchy headline (Developing a headline that’s more than just a job title or Product)
  5. Tell your full story (Adding Experience, Education and Featured Skills)
  6. Optimize your profile for search: (optimising campaign with right keywords )
  7. Let your network speak for you (Get endorsements and recommendations from colleagues, employers, and customers who can speak credibly about your abilities and contributions.)
  8. How to use Linkedin to market yourself?
  9. How to decide which Linkedin groups to join ?
  10. How to use Linkedin to market your business
  11. Linkedin Content is key to organic growth
  12. How to create Linkedin content calendar for various industries
  13. What is Linkedin Premium Account?
  14. Building Your LinkedIn Lead Generation Machine
  15. Who should advertise on linkedin and who shouldn’t
  16. How to Advertise on linkedin
  17. How conversion tracking works and why it is important
  18. Ways to harness the power of linkedin remarketing
  19. Learn to Setup conversion tracking for better results
  20. Explore Advanced Linkedin Strategies
  1. Get started with YouTube channel
  2. Understand YouTube Dashboard
  3. Learn high quality content creation strategy
  4. Learn the tricks to record videos from mobile
  5. How to Write effective title and description
  6. Learn the ranking & optimization factors
  7. Get Discovered: Learn techniques to rank on YouTube.
  8. Get more YouTube views & subscribers
  9. How to get verified batch
  10. Learn to promote your channel
  11. How to Earn money from YouTube channel
  12. Learn policies and guideline of YouTube
  1. Email Marketing Master Class for Businesses
  2. How to set up Email account
  3. Learn to write engaging email template
  4. Difference between B2B and B2C Email
  5. Setup highly effective and optimized campaign
  6. Do’s and Don’ts – Email Marketing campaign
  7. Setup funnel and segment email list
  8. What is Drip Marketing?
  9. Generate leads from Email campaign
  10. Learn how to generate & read reports and important metrics
  1. Affiliate Marketing: Earning source sitting at home
  2. What is Affiliate Marketing?
  3. Why Become an Affiliate Marketer?
  4. How to Build High-Quality Affiliate Websites
  5. Strategize to display affiliate products to customers
  6. How to create engaging content
  7. Understand the fundamentals of affiliate marketing
  8. Make passive income by driving quality traffic to the vendor websites
  1. Google AdSense : Make Money Online
  2. To Do’s before starting AdSense Account
  3. How to implement for AdSense Account
  4. Create your first Ad
  5. Plugins to place your Ads
  6. Understand AdSense Dashboard
  1. What Is Online Reputation Management?
  2. Why we need ORM
  3. Reviews, Feedback & impact on brands reputation
  4. What is crisis?
  5. How to manage crisis
  6. How to Create reputation of Brand
  7. Tools to manage ORM
  8. Case studies – ORM Learning from renowned case studies
  1. What is Media buying?
  2. Types of Media buying
  3. Platform Media
  4. Search Media
  5. Publisher Media
  6. Mobile Media advertising
  7. Creative Rich media and innovations
  8. Media planning and budgeting
  9. Tracking and Measure performance
  10. Case studies
  1. What is Marketing Automation
  2. Why is marketing automation Important?
  3. Prioritize leads and improve marketing ROI
  4. B2B Marketing automation
  5. B2C Marketing automation
  6. Marketing automation and CRM
  1. Why content marketing is important for any business?
  2. What is your business goals how content marketing help to achieve
  3. How you create content that helps your ideal customer
  4. How to create Content strategy and develop a system so you never run out of content
  5. Explore type of content formats for your business.
  6. Best practices to create content
  7. How to select and Publish Content & Tips for easily repurposing content across multiple platforms.
  8. Ways to promote content to get traffic to your business
  9. Create funnel to bring visitors back to your content
  10. Learn how to use analytics on websites
  1. How to Join Quora & Optimize Your Profile
  2. How to Identify Questions That Are Worth Answering
  3. Solved: Why is Quora hiding the question stats field?
  4. How to Choose or Create a Blog Post to Link Back To Quora
  5. How to Structure Your Answers For Maximum Clicks
  6. How to Promote Your Quora Answers
  7. How to Track Quora Traffic & ROI in Google Analytics
  8. How to Promote Business on Quora
  9. Learn Quora Paid marketing
  1. How do you make sales successful?
  2. What is the secret of sales success?
  3. The 3 P’s of successful sales interactions
  4. Sales tips to boost your success
  5. Hidden secrets of sales success
  6. Selling techniques to help you become a better salesperson
  1. What is Personal Branding?
  2. Importance of Personal Branding?
  3. Determine your goal and unique value proposition
  4. Define your Audience
  5. What is Influencer Marketing?
  6. Importance of Influencer Marketing
  7. Types of influencer marketing
  8. Setting objectives to become an influencer
  9. Tracking marketing data
  10. Enhance your own website and social profiles
  11. Foster your content strategy
  12. How to build a community?
  1. Why start a digital marketing agency
  2. How much does it cost to start a digital marketing agency?
  3. Is it worth starting a digital marketing agency?
  4. How to run a digital marketing agency
  5. Dos & Donts of digital marketing agency setup
  6. How to pitch for projects
  7. How to earn money By digital marketing?
  1. How to begin with your freelance digital marketing project
  2. Platforms to be connected to get projects
  3. Digital Marketing project Ideas for beginners
  4. Dos & Donts of digital marketing freelancer
  5. How should you charge for projects?
  6. Learn how to create a project proposal
  7. Client analysis 
  1. How to Plan a Client Meeting?
  2. Understanding Client Needs and Business Requirements
  3. How to write an effective Business Proposal for Clients?
  4. How to Give a Client Presentation
  5. Essential Sales steps to close a Deal
Work on Free & Paid tools

40+ Tools Covered

Live Project & Case Studies

Agency Projects

Static Web Development

Get hands-on experience in creating and developing a static CMS website using WordPress. Work with different clients looking for quick wordpress website development.

Real-time SEO Strategies

Work on live SEO projects and gain practical expertise on key elements of SEO strategies used during projects like web development, paid campaigns, and social media.

The Google Ads Know-how

Get a gist of Google Ads understanding different bidding, auction, and tracking strategies. Execute the strategies to run client’s paid campaigns on the search network.

Optimizing Social Media

Organic is the mantra for clients looking for cost-effective marketing strategies. Learn how to create, post and re-post to drive organic traffic through client’s social media.

Create Paid Campaigns

Get a chance to work on different paid campaigns for clients, from social media to google ads, strategize and plan real-time on Brandlution’s agency campaign projects.

Client Interaction

Work with Brandlution’s clients face-to-face. Learn the maneuvers of handling client requirements and drafting project plans along with industry experts.

Business Acumen Insights

With experts at Brandlution, gain insights on business growth and revenue models. Get in-depth knowledge about different business marketing models and functioning.

Case Study Analysis

Work on case studies models to investigate and examine a business problem. Assist the experts to find the alternative solutions and suggest the most effective resolutions to the clients.

Emphasize on Content

Content being a central tenant of digital marketing, expertise in this area is a mandate. Learn how to create a premium content strategy to attract and convert customers.

Our Certifications

16 Certifications

google ads 1
Google Ads App Certification
google ads 1
Google Ads Video Certification
google ads 1
Google Ads Search Certification
google ads 1
Google Ads Display Certification
google ads 1
Google Ads Shopping Certification
semrush 1
SemRush Toolkit Certification
semrush 1
SemRush SEO Fundamentals
Google Analytics
Google Analytics Advanced Certification
Google Analytics
Google Analytics Beginners Certification
Hubspot Email Certification
Hubspot Inbound Certification
Hubspot Social Media Certification
Content Marketing Certification
bl agency
Project Completion Certification
bl agency
Internship Certification
bl academy
Course Completion Certification

Application Deadline: 30th August, 2021

Our Admission closes once the requisite number of participants enroll for the upcoming Batch.

Batch Starts: 27th September, 2021

Steps to enroll for the course

Enrollment Process

Step 1 – Know Your Eligibility

If you are a graduate or a final year student with good communication skills, you can consider yourself eligible for the Premium Digital Marketing course at Brandlution Academy.


Step 2 – Screening for enrollment 

Discuss with our Digital Marketing experts your current skill sets and how you can further develop your core skills to come out well versed with all the concepts of Digital Marketing.

Step 3 – Accept your Conditional offer letter *

Brandlution offers you a conditional offer letter while you enroll for the course, further you start your employment with us parallelly while you keep upgrading your knowledge.

Step 4 – Enroll Now

Get your application forms filling and submit them. Take the advantage of the interest-free loan assistance and pay your fees in options. Pay them in full or on an EMI basis.

Step 5 – The D Day

Take a final test to evaluate your skill competence. Get your sleeves rolling and grab an offer letter for a full-time opportunity with Brandlution Agency on the last day.

Step 6 – Kickstart your career break

On successful completion of the course with more than 70% grades, grab the opportunity to work with us and extend your career with Brandlution Agency.

Steps to enroll for the career

Career Support

Resume Preparation

Be a Hiring organization’s first choice with a professional resume. Get step-by-step assistance in resume creation.

Portfolio Building

Focus on the live projects which can be a way to showcase your digital marketing skills.

Personality Development

We help you redefine yourself, creating your personal style. Refining your overall personality is our job.

Soft Skill Training

Get trained by the best soft skills trainers and know you are incomparable. Enhance your confidence and social skills.

Our Hiring Partners


Best Digital Marketing Institute To Learn Digital Marketing

At Brandlution I learned all the aspects of Digital Marketing from a basic to advanced level, which has helped me grow in my career as a Digital Marketer. I have been in the field of business development since 2013, and always wanted to learn more about Digital Marketing, so I took a break and decided to upskill myself. It’s the best thing that I have done. Learning Digital Marketing has given me a way to earn money through freelancing and be in job as well.

Kshitij Shrivastava Senior Manager “


Loved The Training

I am so glad to have taken up the Digital Marketing course at Brandlution, the trainers are easily approachable and willing to help. I was under the impression that I would just be shown what to do and then would have to replicate it myself, but that wasn’t the case. The trainers took us step by step through everything, even when multiple doubts have been asked they were always happy to help. Thank you team Brandlution!

Ambrish Senior Associate at Amazon “

Navneet Ranjan

Best Digital Marketing Course

I took up interviews at different companies but it never clicked, so after my Digital Marketing Course at Brandlution, when the placement team made sure to send me job descriptions based on my skills, I was much happier and I performed really well in the interviews. Today I am successfully working & growing.

Navneeta Ranjan Social Communicator “

Are You Looking For More Information About The Program ?

Share your contact details and schedule your appointment for free career counselling and guidance from our expert mentors.

1 Step 1
Frequently Asked Questions


What are the career options for a digital marketing certified specialist?

The premium digital marketing specialist program prepares you for dynamic careers in the digital space,

  • Digital marketing leader
  • Digital marketing manager
  • Brand, communications, and marketing manager
  • Product marketing specialist/manager
  • Social media marketing specialist/manager

What are the benefits of enrolling for this course?

Digital marketing skills are the most desired skills and a prerequisite for anyone wanting to make a significant mark in the marketing domain. This course helps develop salient digital marketing skills, and also prepares the candidate to accelerate his/her career and assume impactful roles across several industries.


Digital marketing is also the proven medium for entrepreneurs to attach potential leads and build
professional relationships.

Which companies offer digital marketing jobs?

MNCs, leading educational institutions, healthcare industries, and advertising agencies offer lucrative
digital marketing jobs that encourage you to build successful careers.

What is the average salary for a digital marketing specialist?

While the average salary for a digital marketing specialist depends on the individual’s performance and expertise, the package can range anywhere between 2.5 lacs to over 6 lacs per annum.

Can I pay the fees in instalments?

We offer installment options to pay the course fees. For this, you need to get in touch with our career counselor by filling the enquiry form.

What certification can I receive after completing this program?

The premium digital marketing specialist program offers your 16 global certifications after successfully completing all the modules. Some leading certifications are from Google, SemRush, HubSpot, and our in-house certification from Brandlution.

What skills will I learn in this course?

The premium digital marketing specialist program is designed by industry-experts who emphasize the need for planning, managing, and executing digital marketing activities that include overseeing the performance of integrated multi-channel campaigns.

Who should take up this course?

Individuals looking to make a mark in digital marketing are a perfect fit for this course. However, marketing managers, digital marketing specialists, entrepreneurs, business owners, marketing consultants, and marketing & sales professionals will also benefit immensely from this program that gives them an opportunity to fine-tine existing skills and learn ground-breaking digital marketing concepts.

What does a digital marketing specialist do?

A digital marketing specialist is an allrounder in the digital sphere who has the extensive knowledge and working capabilities of several digital marketing domains. His/her primary role is to generate & increase brand awareness, attract quality traffic, acquire new customers, and promote the brand to ensure customer loyalty. Another important role is to ensure high product visibility and generate keen interest among the larger audience to expand business prospects.

What are the tools covered in this program?

The premium digital marketing specialist program is a comprehensive program that offers extensive training in tools like Google Analytics, Keyword planner, Google Ads, Hootsuite, Buffer, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Ads, and many others.

Are there any eligibility criteria to register for the Premium Digital Marketing Specialist Program?

Yes, the basic eligibility to get yourself registered for this program is you need to be a Graduate or Equivalent and have good communication skills.

Is there any certification test?

Yes, you will attend a test at the end of your course. You must pass with a min 70% scores to qualify for placements with Brandlution Agency.

How do we get placed after the course?

This program provides you with a conditional offer letter as soon as you register for the course, ensuring that you have a position with Brandlution Agency even before you finish the course and are placed with us if you qualify. You can also opt-out of this and pursue opportunities with our other placement partners too.

What is a Conditional offer letter?

When you register for the program, a conditional offer letter guarantees you a position with Brandlution Agency. It's called a conditional offer letter for a reason: you must apply and adhere to certain conditions, and you will only be placed with Brandlution Agency after 6 months of your course if you meet the requirements.

Does the conditional offer letter hold good even if I don’t pass the test?

No, you will not be eligible to take up a position with Brandlution Agency if you do not pass the test with the required minimum scores.

What is the minimum score to get eligible for placement with Brandlution Agency? Are there any Salary criteria too?

You will require a minimum of 70% score to get eligible to be placed with Brandlution Agency. Yes, your salary will be decided taking into consideration the scores obtained in the evaluation and assessment conducted at the end of the course.